The phone rang, I answered it. Hello! Dan? I am moving. WHERE, WHEN, WHY?
I yelled I cried I cursed. You have stolen the best years of my son’s life from me and now you are taking him away from me completely. I have done and given everything a father should.

My heart aches and my skin crawls, I am beside myself. This desperate feeling I have felt before. Why is there no peace in my life? I ask the lord above (I get no answer).
A long painful and costly battle ensues. My son I will still get to see just not as frequent as I did before.

My son you will always be
On this earth or in the earth beneath your feet
Your Father I will always be
In the heavens above or in the hells below
A Father I will always be!
The one sure thing no one can take from me.


  1. I found your blog via goodle images - and really like your style of writing - There is something so very simple yet touching about your honest posting of your life. Cat

  2. Remember you will never lose your son. You need to make sure you do not lose yourself. Life is not fair. Chin up and God speed my friend...

  3. I hope the move it not too far. You are his father, always will be. Your bond with your son is the most important thing in this world, for both of you.
    This must be so hard for you. I hope some compromise between you and your ex can bring some peace. As you well know, your son deserves.


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