I miss you so.

There is much much pain that time could not erase. Some wounds are much too deep. But not a day goes by I don't think of you. The day the nights and all the monents in beteween. My hearts bleads , my soul empty. But what am I to do? I am not sure anymore . I know you will read this and I know you will think of me. And I know I will wake up tomorrow once again with no one to hold. No one to embrace and once again only one cup of coffee will brew. But the thought the smell the tase of you is forever ingraved in my mind your touch still fresh on my skin, your kiss still soft on my lips. I wanted you to know that I have not forgotten all the good times and all you taugh and enlightened me with. Memories, you always said hold on to your memories and I have!

Te amo ,always and for ever, take care and God bless.


  1. I've just gone through a break-up myself, two days ago so still pretty raw. Was idly browsing blogs and came across yours. I'm there, man!

    Wrote some poetry you may relate to on my new blog. Check it out. I'd welcome comments from someone who knows.



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