Every story has a beginning and an end . Tonight was the end of ours . A love story of sorts . I remember when people would say , you guys make such a good couple . You guys are perfect for each other . You guys are this you guys are that . I remember it all . I can give you back all your belongings , I can delete all our photos . I can’t however erase the memories in my head . Good and bad but memories non the less . We hugged , I cried and as per usual between the tears I did all the talking . You said sorry more times than I could count . 

I asked why ? Why did you wait almost four years to tell me that you don’t see a future together ?

If I’m to blame for anything at all than blame me for giving you too much . I payed your bills when we met . I payed for your school . I payed for all our trips . I helped you get your shop going . I’m even paying ( still ) for your health benefits .

All you could say was I’m sorry . How can you be sorry if you don’t even know what you are sorry for ? 

I want to be angry with you , I want to tell you to fuck off and tell you I hate you for what you’ve done . But I can’t ;( that’s just not who I am . I have never lied to you and if I told you now that I hate you that would be the first lie so I won’t .

I couldn’t even watch you leave my car . My eyes hurt my heart aches my body is sore . I’m tired , I’m tired of this life . I did nothing wrong , you even admitted to that fact . I pray for you , I wish you nothing but the best . I also wish one day that you find what you are looking for . I want you to look back and remember how much this old man loved you . How I would have given my life for you . I hope one day you find someone that will love you unconditionally as I did and still do. 

By far this past week has been  the hardest on me . I’m not strong like you . I don’t mean in a physical sense , I mean emotionally I’m weak , very weak . I’ve already taken a sedative to calm me down and I just got home . Haven’t even had dinner yet and it’s closing in on 10pm .

Every story has and end , I thought ours would be the exception the never ending story . Our story has ended , my hope has faded the light is dimming and my will to go on is slowly dying . 

The end ;(


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