Happy new year !

And so it ends and so it begins. One more year year older, more gray thinning hair and another hangover. Just me my parents my ungrateful brother and his new girlfriend and new baby( not his first ) but first one with this one. Yes a night to remember , I wish I could just forget. I should have stayed home . Only reason I didn't is cause I was afraid of being alone. I guess I went cause they asked , or was it cause no one else asked? any way it was OK lots to eat and drink but not much else. I think for the first time in a long one I was actually lonely . Maybe it was the idea that I had no one special to say goodbye to the old year with and no one to celebrate the new with.I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me , oh wait , yes I can!


  1. You know sometimes we look at our own situation and pull what we want out of the big picture. Maybe you need time alone to get in gear for the next person you will meet. Believe me I was alone for sometime and I always wanted to bring the New Year in with someone and this year it happened. Of course the last couple of years I was in bed in my pajamas. I am a very attractive young lady but I took the situation and turned it around. I wish you luck in the future...


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