Are you able to look back at your life , ever think back to a time when your heart was broken? I can. I can think of a time a place a day and a moment frozen in time. it felt as thought someone reached into my chest cavity ,with bare hands it was torn open . My heart was taken and ripped to shreds. I can still feel the pain . God how it hurts. They say time heals all wounds , I say not true! Some wounds can never heal. My pain will not heal not until my heart stops beating and even then I question it. I sometimes believe that I am doomed damned if you will. A life sentence for the crimes I have committed. What crimes you ask? I wish I could tell you . I figure I must have done something wrong to upset the higher powers . I must have been a terrible person in a past life . I have been afflicted by pain and sorrow most of my adult life. I haven't slept a full night in years. I recently visited my Doctor and renewed my prescription. I haven't taken and sleep aids for many years , however my body is giving out. I am tired and I feel sick. I haven't taken one yet . I am not sure why . maybe I am afraid, afraid because I remember what it was like. I could not leave the house without them. I feared running low , I feared the night without my friend. The little blue pill that brought me so much comfort and solace. God I just want to sleep!!!!!!! My head races my heart beats without rhythm. many nights I simply cried myself to sleep. I sometimes think , if only i could let go , let go and live . Alas I can't . The love that I felt and feel till this day for this woman,is simply immeasurable. I now know she no longer loves me and I question if she even cares in the least. She told me last night , I do not love you , I don't feel what you feel, I don't even think about you at all. God the pain , oh the pain my broken heart has suffered so much and yet it is still able to suffer even more. God I do not want to die , but I do not want to live this life.My eyes hurt the tears they burn.My body is tired Lord.Many nights I wished you would come for me. But I know I can't let go , I can't for my son. I wish nit the same pain for him. For I know this is the pain he would have to fear if I were to stop bleeding. So for that reason my Lord I beg you , let me continue the suffering if it means my son's happiness.


  1. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.

  2. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.


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