
Showing posts from August, 2007

Handy Man.

To me there is no greater reward than a job well done! The gratification after an assignment is completed. The delight of a project coming to fruition, my indulgence is that of a small child. A small contribution on my part to humankind . Let me explain, as I have been feeling much better in the late I have taken up an old hobby and introduced it to a means of earning an income. I am ,The Handy Man! So proud I am when my mobile rings and people, strangers request my services, I who thought I had nothing to offer to this wonderful but sometimes cruel world, now find myself busier than ever. What an amazing feeling it is to see something you have created or mended finally completed. To see the faces of the people single mom’s, busy professional couples the elderly, all these people are suddenly in need of my help and I have to tell you it is an extraordinary sense of accomplishment. For so long I have felt unneeded, unwanted useless and helpless. All it takes is a smile from someone and ...


The sun sets and the moon rises, but every night I lay down onto my bed and rarely a smile on my face. However, change is in the horizon. Name me one person who does not desire to have something about himself or herself altered a modification some kind of correction. I will show you someone that is full of shit! We all have an appetite for transformation to achieve some level of what society and we ourselves would call (perfection). Nevertheless, with change comes acceptance. Perhaps it is that we want change in order to be accepted. Can we change are we able to? On the other hand, are we destined to be who we are from the beginning of time? Surely, with the advancements of modern technology and the most comprehensive medical procedures available to men kind many never before ever thought of possibilities are now reality. Numerous studies show men and women desire for changes to their appearance. I am just wondering how many if ever were polled about the changes they would like to make...

Pollution of the mind.

What do we search for all our lives? All my life I have been searching, looking for something. Some elusive creature that some call happiness, I do not really know anymore if it exists or if it is just a myth. Pursuing a dream, perhaps an expedition or an exploration, I have been rummaging through my soul. A mélange a potpourri of emotions a hodgepodge of (GARBAGE). I have heard it said that we are our own worst enemies .My insides have been fighting a loosing battle with my outer forces the enemies I have created. I have polluted my soul an my heart and my life with the way I have chosen to live it, although at times I have had very little control and seldom if ever, any choice.. It seems every time I make any head wave the amalgamation of the evil paratroopers that control my outer world are always set for a rapid deployment of the troops. One-step forward and ten steps back. My head tells me I am fighting a war that cannot be won, but my heart is strong perhaps too stubborn to just ...

Pushed over the edge.

Here I sit late at night my meds kicking in almost time for bed but time yet for one more smoke. What a hellish day I had, how do I always let people talk me into doing things I don’t want? Three fucking hours in bumper-to-bumper trafic. Metal, plastic and the smell of burning rubber in what must have seemed like 40 Celsius. Two screaming kids in the back and my anxiety medication was not doing it today after popping four Advil’s for my migraine that wasn’t cutting it either. All I could think about , between the screaming kids and the never-ending traffic. How badly I wanted to pull my car over to the shoulder to a screeching halt step out light a smoke and walk away from it all forever. The job search the uncertainty its all coming to a head if the kids hadn’t been in the car I would have driven into the first tree I could find. I don’t know, man what a fucked up day three hours just to sit on a dirty windy beach crowded with masses of common people like hoards of cattle. I despised...


Clonazapam Man, what a trip! My heart races my blood boils, my skin crawling with a million insects. Any moment my head will explode, I can feel the color of my flesh changing from a deep blood red to a sickening purple. Anger is building (I could hurt someone); I have to control myself (I could hurt myself).I feel like I am no longer in my body like an out of body experience. I can see myself and feel myself but I cannot be myself. Another panic attack, I tell myself. Not this one, this time it is not, this one feels like an over load of anxiety, I feel like a tantrum an infantile seizure. Not sure if I want to cry or scream for help. Than I remember my clonazapam, my only savior not much choice this is the hand I have been dealt by the powers that be. Every time I tell myself, I have to catch it in advance stop the madness before it begins but the madness catches me and I reach for my meds, the candy to the kid inside me. The only alleviation to my distress. I recently saw this movie...

Memories of Muskoka.

I once had a dream, it was in blue and green, clear sun drenched waters and the call of Mother Nature all around me. Yes, my friends if you want to live a dream visit this wonderful place. I have concluded that God in all his wisdom created this place as a testament to his heavenly powers. For you will never see more beauty, more color or splendor than the wonder that is Muskoka. I shall miss you, but I will visit .You have left a mark on me that is tender to the touch. The call of the loon in the evening is the song of the night. I sometimes close my eyes and deep in thought, I listen for the night bird and its song to drown out my City life.

Eyes wide shut.

For most of my life, I have lived with my eyes wide shut. There are times in our lives when we question ourselves and suspect that not everything we see is all there is. I search deep with in my heart deep down into my soul and I have come to only one conclusion, my life has not even begun. I open my eyes but fail to see the light; the darkness of my past blinds me. The truth is there, I know it is. Happiness cannot be very far. I have to think about all those around me whom I have done wrong. All those around me that truly matter; I wish I could make restitution but fail to see how. I believe that the road to forgiveness is paved with acknowledgement. The first step of any program is admitting to your faults. There is no recovery without self-evaluation. Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned My eyes no longer wide shut, however neither are they yet wide open.