My son's holy Communion.

My son's holy Communion will take place in two weeks, and I was just informed by his Mom that I was allowed to attend ( allowed ? ).Yep she actually said that, and she wanted to let me know that her Family and boyfriend will be there also , she wanted to know if I was going to be there ,and that I had no choice as to who attended.( she meant her "boyfriend")

Last time I checked the church welcomed all, I don't believe last time I was there I had to get permission from anyone.

I will attend my son's Communion even if the Pope himself said I couldn't go.

It won't be easy that is for sure . I am not looking forward to seeing her family and boyfriend all together living the lie of a perfect family.

But I will put on brave face and stand there proudly for my boy.
The biggest issue here is that his Communion happens to be on my access weekend , and by right I should be the one calling her with the details. But because we live in a society that automatically labels all men with children as dead beat Dads and all Mothers as victims,I guess I have no choice.You see I have tried before , I have tried to explain to the Judge ,the Honourable purveyor of my rights.I humbly explained how my ex changes my legal visits with my son at will to suit her schedule.The visits that were assured to me by the Courts and by God himself when I fathered this child!

And all she could say to me was well what's your problem ? your not working right now anyway!

Excuse me? what has that got to do with anything?
When did it become OK for someone to brake the law as she has clearly done and get away with it, simply because of my unfortunate circumstances at this moment?

How can the Court knowingly allow her to brake their own laws and get away with it?
Why? because , here in this Province the Father is guilty first and then must prove his innocence.
This draconian attitude toward unwed Fathers that persists in our family law system must change.I am all for equal rights but last time I looked that up ,equal meant not somewhere down the middle, but "exactly down the middle "anything but would be just that, anything but equal!!!

I truly understand and sympathise with all the single moms out there that are struggling because of absent fathers I truly do. I know that fifty% of the people in this province that live below the poverty line are in fact single Moms,and my heart does go out to them .
How ever I am not an absent father and my wife by no stretch of the imagination qualifies as a single mom living below the poverty line. She makes about 200k a year ( and good for her) I wouldn't wish anything less for her.

But why are we in court these days you may ask yourself? well I petitioned the court last year to have my payments reduced to reflect my current situation.
I am not trying to get away from my right to provide for my child. I have always payed on time as a matter of fact for the last two to three years I was paying more than the law suggested , rather ordered me to.

I just simply asked my ex to give me sometime to get my financial situation in order and I would make up anything owed as soon as possible.
I guess I still naively think that she could have an ounce of rationality in her body. Cause any rational human being would have looked at the facts and then make an educated decision.She said F U no way . Here we are in court I have proven myself over and over and still the Courts tell me (rather remind me ) that I am nobody and I don't count , why I ask must we fight? Why can't she forgive like I have forgiven ? All I ask is that i have peace , joy and laughter all three I am assured of when I see my son.But my ex with her anger I am sure can not say the same . How can a person be so vindictive and so heartless?

Albert Einstein once said,

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
He also said,
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

My son's Holly Communion what a joy , even though she will have him that weekend and it seems with the blessings of our corrupt legal system.I will always be his Father!.

"Any man can Father a child but not any man can be a father"
(my quote)


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