Will it ever end?

You can only kick a dog so many times before it will turn and bite.
This dog has been kicked enough , all those that are thinking of kicking proceed with caution.

Let me fill you in on the latest.So my sons mother calls Thursday night around 9;30 pm, oddly enough when she calls which is not often anymore she always calls after my son has gone to bed. Every time I ask to speak to him the answer is he is sleeping , OK ,I say.
She process to tell me hoe this year our son soccer schedule is somewhat conflicting , what do you mean? I say.Well they are playing on Wednesday instead of Tuesdays for the first time in Three years.
Oh, I see where this is headed, so she proceeds to offer graciously that she is willing to pay for his soccer if I switch my visitation to Tuesday. Yes here we go again people.Well of course unless you want to take him? she says. What ? did I hear right?
I jumped on it ,of course I will take him it's my day anyway I would love to .But what about the cost? she asks.Well don't worry about that I will get the money from somewhere.And believe me even if I have to sell the last drop of blood in my veins to do it I will.
You see there is more of a story to this.My son has been playing soccer now for about three to four years I am not sure, you see I have never been allowed to attend not even one game!

She would refuse to tell me where he played and for whom he played , trust me I am very resourceful I called every club in the area and I tried asking around and no luck(remember the Deadbeat Dad syndrome) allot of people seem to suffer from it I guess.
Anyway my son has never been able to tell me either where he played , he always said his mom would drive around allot before getting to the field ( I am sure just to confuse hi) so we tried several times driving around but alas we could not find it.

Now welcome to the future. My son now is 8 he has grown into a very smart little boy , and guess what for the first time he knows exactly where he is playing.
Thank you Justice , I surrender to thee!

Wait a minute put away your party hat and your noise makers.

She then says WHAT? WHY? won't you switch days with me your not working anyway?
hMMMMm that sounds familiar don't you think? have you read the other posts ?

Anyway I say no (M)! I will take him , she insists on why can't I switch days since I am not working she keeps reminding me I guess in case I forget(thank you).Yes people Sarcasm!
Anyway, I say NO! it's my day and I am tired of switching days with you when ever you see fit to satisfy the needs of your executive scheduled life.

She denies ever switching days with me.I think the one with the memory problem is not I , so that would leave just one other person to consider, don't you think?
She raises her voice and I say listen I don't want to argue , I was just sitting around a book in one hand and once in a while peeking at Larry King.Some funny stuff on the US President. and American Idol.I wish Canadian politics weren't so darn boring. Anyway so I say look why are you yelling ? if you would just give me the details I will sing him up and that is that she started yelling again so I just hung up , she called one more time I didn't pick up and she left no message.

It;s the calm before the storm I just know it stay tuned there will be more .Thank you again for caring enough to read......


  1. Wow. I just read your entire blog. What a story you have.How trying for you, to be without your son. Fathers are so important in their childrens lives. I hope and pray the courts find things in your favor some time soon. You are a good man, sticking with things as long as you did, and being there for your son no matter what she tries to do. Best of luck to you. You are in my prayers.

  2. I have put out a post about this blog on my blog, the one that is Memoirs of an inmates wife. your blog is very moving, and it is a story all should read. I hope you do not mind. God Bless you and your son.

  3. Daniel,
    I completely sympathize with your position. I have gone through similar situations and they just simply are hair graying.

    I cannot even begin to tell you how many double standards have been applied since my divorce and it is going on 7 years now!! It remains the same uphill battle as all of my diplomacy and good will have been exhausted.

    I just thank God that my kids have been strong and I have reinforced positive thinking the whole way along and they have come through so far in good spirits.

    I wish you all the best of luck and should you ever have something on your mind please do not hesitate to drop me a line.


  4. Daniel,
    I am just amazed at your strength. I am just in awe of single parents and how they manage to do what they do. I have several friends who are single parents and they just astound me. Many of them seem to be "just plugging away" like there is no tommorrow. I certainly sounds like you have God on your side. I hope that your faith and strength continues.


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