The Cottage.

Four years of my life, I gave to you, forty-eight months, two hundred and eight weeks, one thousand and sixty days
I spent with you!
I will forever enshrine, preserve, and conserve the memory of our first night in Muskoka.
One of the most beautiful places on earth and yet I was in heaven. The day we spent around the Cottage, I cherish. The allurement of this sanctity is captivating to put it mildly. The fresh aromatic smell of the pines and the scent of freedom from the everyday city routine were unforgettable. Your encouragement for my visit to your most sacred place will never be abandoned.
Then the night arrived, we made our way to the dock by the lake. Candles a blanket and our warm embrace were all the necessary elements that we required for this memorable evening. I have never in my life have ever seen such a more astonishing and breathtaking night. The sky was as clear as glass and the stars perfectly aligned.
We lit the candles, huddled under your warm blanket, and held each other underneath this strikingly impressive sight. I heard the loons for the first time in my existence.
We laid there you and I, side by side. Just to think that a few months back I was living in chaos. This night I was lost in euphoria and I owe it all to you.
You took all the cares and all the worries away. You made me feel wanted and alive.
We talked and conversation was easy, we had only met a couple of weeks back. Yet I felt so close to you that evening, closer than I have felt next to anyone for many years.
We made love and it was wonderful. We laid there on the hard surface of your dock but I could not have been more comfortable in the finest hotels any were in the world...
Locked in a tight embrace we were, not wanting this moment to end we held each other even tighter. There we laid and counted shooting stars.
I did not want to let go and I did not want that night to end.
It will go down in the book of my life as one of the most memorable experiences I could ever have wished for,
Thank you, Thank you for all the wonderful memories.
our minds are powerful have such a beautiful memory is good medicine indeed..