My true companion, I give her fresh water, I clean her litter box.
A small price to pay for the love and attention she gives me. My son and my cat the only ones in my life that bring me joy and happiness .
My cat I do not ask anything of her and she asks for nothing back. She cuddles next to me she knows when I am sad I can sense it. She seems disturbed when I am not well. She paces and apears to cry; I feel she wants to talk to me. She probably is. She lies on my favorite blanket, dander all over .
A small price in comparison to the love she provides. I have given her a good home. She was a stray; they told me at the shelter. Now she is the queen of her castle. I have no friends and very little close family to speak of, she is my friend my roommate and my only solace for my lonely days. She sits by me when I write and when she tires, she falls asleep at the foot of my bed .She watches over me and me over her.In my restless sleep I reach for more medication .
I sleep in late , she sits next to me and she will call . I wake and she is assured that I am OK.
What a wonderful animal. What a great pet. What a great friend.
If I could only find those qualities in the people that share my world, my life would not be so .
Pets are wonderful when I am lonely she cuddles up , I stroke her back , I could see the receptiveness and the joy she feels, she knows she is loved.
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