What will become of them?

My parents, my father in his late sixties, my mother not far behind, my dad retired an earning a meager pension, my mother still working day and night,just to make ends meet.
Reality is setting in. No savings to speak of and other than the equity they have built up in the home they live in there is nothing. Still paying for a mortgage at their age is challenging at best. I offered to drive them yesterday to this retirement community my dad has been looking at for a while. A couple of hours driving in the countryside I thought, great way to spend an otherwise lonesome day by myself...
Disappointment in my mothers face was apparent. Disillusioned my dad was.
Facing the truth is always tough. Facing your mortality is even more.
A trailer park I thought. I remained optimistic and asked the sales woman allot of questions.
Not a word from either one, what do they expect, what do they want? I asked myself.
Realizing that even this venture would be too costly for them we drove back. Tears from my mom, silence from my dad, what a sad day it was! My heart went out to both. I feel it the most for my mom. I blame my dad for this mess they are in; he never gave a thought to their future, not learning from the past.
I feel the brunt of their frustration and their sorrow.
My mother so tired my dad seems frail I fear the worst.
I think about them day and night. I wonder, out of all my siblings if I am the only one that cares. I feel I am the one that hurts the most for them. The rest busy with family and friends. Myself here alone I just worry. What will become of them? I wish I could answer that. I hurt for them I hurt for their troubles. I am angered by my past and their lack of understanding for my youth. Nevertheless, they are still my parents, why don’t others care as I do ?
Is everyone just waiting for him or her to die?
Extreme it might sound, I feel like I feel .I see what I see. The truth is the truth.
What will become of them? God only knows.
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