Pet food recal
Well you can Imagine when the news broke about the pet food scare I was livid!and frightened.But I quickly went on to the Whiskas web site and they confirmed the food she was getting was safe , what a relief. On to my son's pet Cat. Stripes,"Stripes the Cat"he named her the moment he laid his little eyes on her. We searched high and low for his first pet. I say his first pet because, this was the first pet he adopted at Daddy's house.He used to have a gold fish at his Mom's place , but sadly it didn't live long.I am not sure how long gold fish normally live, but I know he had him for a couple of years, he once brought him over to my place for a week while his Mom and boyfriend were on vacation.I fed him and changed his water , following careful instructions from , my then 3 year old son. Sadly he passed on to gold fish heaven. His Mom informed me of his untimely passing , but had not told our son.I was surprised because he had just been over to my place and ne...