fathers 4 justice

Fathers 4 justice
Please take a moment that is all I ask after you read my writings, to look at their web site.Two weeks ago while reading my local periodical, I notice a small write-up about an organization called fathers for justice. I decided to do some research. This civil rights movement was started in the UK several years back .A desperate and loving father ,fought for his God given rights , just to be that a" FATHER". He managed with a great deal of support and a tremendous amount of tenacity and will for the love of his children. To change several archaic laws, that have been in the books, for generations.I immediately called, since the article mentioned there was a new chapter starting in my area. I was floored, to say the least. If you have read all my entries, you may already know how passionate I am about my son. I immediately went to the meeting the following day and I am now a full member. Today I braved the cold and rain; I stood for more than two hours at the local Court House trying to get signatures on our petitions , that we will present to our government in the hope of some kind of reform. The scales of injustice have weighed heavily uneven and unfair for way too long .It is up to us , the public to make our loud voices be heard. No longer shall I or we remain silent. We know it is an uphill battle. You see we are fighting a corporate monster called our government. A whole industry has been created at the bloodshed of our families. Lawyers, Politicians, Judges, law clerks, and so on. How many people do you think would be out of work if the Family laws were changed? Ask yourself that.Ask yourself, why , can we not ask for equal parenting? That is what we strive for. There are allot of single Moms out there overburdened with the full time care of their children and allot of Fathers who fail in their financial responsibilities. However, if the laws were changed, what we would end up with, are parents forced to take equal parenting as an only option. Granted there are some cases that need a closer look. However I myself , I am tired of standing by and waiting for change, I consider my self and proud of it, to be a great Dad. Moreover, I am sure there are millions like me.I am tired of paying the ultimate price for the wrongdoing of a others. You do not punish a whole nation for the atrocities committed by their ruthless leader. Neither should you punish a parent just because the family unit as seen by the eyes of this unjust family law has failed.Not everything in our world can be perfect .Men and Women are not perfect, and sometimes marriages are not perfect. However, who suffers in the end? The children are the ones who suffer the most!We must fight for the children; At the same time, we must allow equal access for parenting. To me equal means only one thing, 50/50.But I assure you it is not.In most case, Mothers are left with the responsibility of raising their children on their own, and fathers in most case not granted any access. Why you ask? Because as the laws stand today, if a couple cannot be copacetic and come to an agreement on their own, the all mighty and supreme rulers of our courts (yes the Judges) decide for you. Stats show that in some cases up to 95% of the time, custody is awarded, to Moms. With Dads baring the brunt of the financial responsibility and in many case forced into bankruptcy .And in many case not even granted access. How is this fair and a Just system? In addition, stats show that as of 2003 there were, 70,828 Divorces for Canada as a whole, a rise from the year before. There were also over 140,000 marriages. Almost half end up in divorce that is a staggering statistic. This is an alarming wake up call for reform. Single mothers had the highest degree of volatility in earnings of any family type during the past two decades, according to a new study. Both parents would be held accountable for the nurturing and financial support needed to raise the children. Men would have to take responsibility for raising and supporting their children and Mothers as well would be required by law to do the same. To me that is equal. We have to make sure that parents both mothers and Fathers share in the tremendous responsibility of rearing their children.No longer will it, be one sided. The children are our most precious resource more precious than the oil our governments are warring over across the globe. So why is there such little attention paid to such a monumental possibility?Again, I tell you because the Corporate Monster we have created we allow to continue raping plundering and destroying our families and tearing us apart. We must put an end to this evil madness. Right the wrongs, if for nothing else we must do it for our children. They need equal time between Moms and Dads the super heroes in their lives.
Thank you very much….



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