Loneliness And Depression!

The following words are found in the Dictionary to explain "loneliness".

1.affected with, characterized by, or causing a depressing feeling of being alone; lonesome.
2. destitute of sympathetic or friendly companionship, intercourse, support, etc.: a lonely exile.
3. Lone; solitary; without company; companion less.
4. remote from places of human habitation; desolate; unfrequented; bleak: a lonely road.
5. Standing apart; isolated: a lonely tower

The greatest killer in North America has become, the crippling of our society.
Our society is being crippled by ignorance.Lets take a look at "Depression." It is estimated that 95% of all suicides are committed at the height of a bout with depression. And yet, while most professionals would not dare to admit or suggest that Depression is in fact a national epidemic. I believe it is crippling our fellow human beings.

Is it ignorance , or reluctance? . What ever it is few are willing to acknowledge a problem to which there is no cure for other than a bunch of mind numbing pills that alter the chemical balance ,
(or imbalance) of your brain as some suggest. Thus really turning you into a whole different person from the one you were before, for some it can be a life saver, but for others a death sentence. The prescribed medications , are merely nothing more than just a band aid solution approach , it can help some cope but by no means is it a cure.(in my opinion, and I am not a professional)

Most professionals and the general public appear to have the same aptitude towards this illness. Allot of so called professionals don't believe it even exists; some go as far as saying that it’s simply people crying out for attention.
I think they are missing the point. Of course they are crying !, but they are not cries for attention, they are cries for "salvation”.
They (WE) yes, I say we because I too have suffered from clinical depression for a number of years .My own wife at that time would say ,what the hell is wrong with you? Why can't you just be happy ? "IGNORANCE” That ,is also a great tragic decease. I feel the despair and the anguish felt by all who are afflicted by this debilitating decease.

Have you ever heard a whale cry? Some scientists believe they are simply singing but others believe that they are crying out for help.I don't know what to believe,I read somewhere that they are crying for our Mother earth.Their cries somewhat musical almost painful. To me they also sound like cries of despair. Maybe they know something we don’t. This phenomenon that I call "Ignorance", must be challenged
how else can we come to grips with a mental decease that is crippling our nations and are sure to have long term negative effects on our future society.

I was listening to a local radio talk show today here in Toronto; it aired on one of our two, Talk radios stations here.

There was such a lack of compassion from the callers, which just infuriated me, the host said it would be a hot topic, but it goes to show you. He took only a few calls than off to the latest sports news.

Is this the importance we put on this subject ,and our society ?.
Take two or three calls, just kill some air time and move on. It’s the same old joke, take two pills and call me in the morning. How dare you?
What ignorance!

To understand this problem, you must first understand that there is a lack of "understanding" of all the different physical causes.As you will read in the following quote.

There is a strong effort to give this dark problem a physical or medical explanation, A strong effort ?
yes a direct quote from a site I visited.
" A strong effort to give it a medical and physiological explanation”, If for no other reason than to boost the self-esteem of the victims.


Depression ,let me tell you from experience , it destroys your self worth you feel useless , you feel helpless when you fall under its devastating spell. Depression is ultimately responsible for the lack of your self-worth,self-esteem and any personal value, you might have otherwise placed on your self.It is best described as the loss of "one's self".
Some believe that it is merely a spiritual problem.
To believe that, it would give it a simplistic undertone. In no way is this a simple issue.
Doctors will be happy to prescribe medication for depression, but you must seek out the help of a professional. And I do not mean your "GP”. Although equipped to handle a bout with the flue or an outbreak of measles, I sincerely doubt they are capable of handling the needs that are required by the individual suffering from this terrible decease.

An experienced psychiatrist will be able to at least help you manage your life. But I can only speak from experience; no pill can take away your hurt and sorrow, which are at the core of this monster.
Undiagnosed it can take over your life, ruin your family and possibly ruin you.

Please I beg you if you are feeling low for extended periods of time, if you have lost your appetite, if you are having difficulty with your sleep. Or if you just feel sick all over and all with no real visibly symptoms, this might be an indication that you are suffering from depression. Please I urge to seek out help before it takes over your life.

Part of the problem, I believe is because there are no real physical visual symptoms.
It's not like when you fracture a limb and you wear a cast, everyone can tell you are in pain and they feel bad for you. Depression doesn't work that way, the person sitting next to you in the subway on your way to work, maybe suffering but because the symptoms are more psychological before they become physical, most are just thought to be just unhappy.
I have had people ask me, what is wrong with you? Why are you depressed? Why don't you just make yourself happy? Wow what a revelation!
Ignorance and the lack of education is our worst enemy. The general public is not equipped to deal with this beast nor understand it. I personally don't blame them. I blame the media and the so called professionals that claim this is nothing more than the "cry baby syndrome "!

One day, that is all I ask live one day in my life. Than you can make any judgments you wish. But until then, stop the ignorance and start to seek out help for us and try to give us some compassion and some understanding.

We are all human beings and we all deserve some understanding.

Thank you. You may comment if you wish. But this is an issue that affects many people, people I now that are near and dear to me. So all I ask is that you show some humanity and compassion.


  1. http://ystingray.blogspot.com/2007_03_01_archive.html

    This show is you to a T!

  2. Not sure what you mean? but I accept all comments. And so I thank you.


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