What do you want from me?

Space, the void between one place and another. .
Without space, there is no room to breath.
Without space, there is no room to think.
Without space, there is no room to grow.
Without space, I simply cannot live.
This is not only an observation; it is my own life experience.
With the constraining hands of time and the fortitude of this challenging life that surrounds my meager existence, every breath I gasp for, becomes questionable .I can no longer breathe. I ask myself why I am in this struggle. Why am I fighting a battle that surely will result in nothing but carnage? The Bible speaks of justifiable wars. How can an act of man, which results in the slaughter of its own kind, be justifiable? I am a man, and I am at war. I am at war, with myself. I am at war with the life that surrounds me. Is my war justifiable?
I did not petition, nor beseech for this life. Brought upon this world, by the forces of nature. Why then am I fighting this battle with no army? I am no David, but life is certainly a Goliath. I carry no weapons I stand defenseless and I will lay defeated.
The fiery strength that once brewed in my soul, and spilled out of my guts, has been extinguished. The wretchedness in my heart is the piercing of the arrow ripping through my flesh perpetrated in the course of combat.
Weak and defeated, I cower in the shadows of certain failure. The anger that fed the aggression, enticed this once brave warrior to combat. The prospect of victory has been consumed by the chants of eminent triumph by Goliath. The conquistador life shall be. The inevitable discontinuity, of my own existence is no longer in question. I relinquish this struggle. Life you are the Victor!
I no longer protest I have reached my Achilles heel. My frail and pathetic carcass will be just another step for life’s walk to the hall of Victors. Take your place life, stand amongst the strong. For the weak will be at your feet begging for mercy.
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